Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The Light of the Restoration

So, today I had what was, for me, a very unique experience. I've found a place here in Provo that feels about as peaceful as the temple.

For my intro to Seminary teaching class, I needed to observe a seminary or institute class, and, mostly because I don't have a car, I checked with the ones that are here in Provo and ended up in the Special Needs Institute class just on the northeast side of campus (over behind the Taylor building).

At this point, I'm not really sure what to say about it. I think the thing that left the biggest impression on me was that I could perceive light in the people there, greater in quantity and quality than I have in a very long time. The teachers seemed to be directly following the Spirit, which they had also followed in carefully preparing; the students seemed to be in closer connection to Heavenly Father, with pride-free, pure, childlike hearts; and the volunteers seemed to open their hearts to that light more than they might in a normal day, being more caring and forgiving and kind (I definitely noticed something like that in my own feelings).

With the peace that I felt tonight, the ever-present question comes up: What am I going to do now? Will I continue to do things that bring that light to my heart (and, with that, to others')? Or will I find other things to do with my time?

Something incredible and wonderful that came to me, too, while I was there, was when, in the closing prayer, the young man praying said something about preparing to take the sacrament on Sunday. I realized that every single day I need to have that thought as something that I focus on, or I really will not be prepared to take the sacrament at the week's end. Hmm.


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